25th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering - ICEE 2017, Tehran (Iran). 02-04 May 2017
Contingency occurrence in power systems and studying system conditions in these situations accordingly is an avoidable issue. One of the important practical measurements in power systems to preserve power system static security situation in case of contingencies is rescheduling generator's power output. This rescheduling is performed so that the generators have the least deviation from their optimal power output. On the other hand, FACTS devices also have great effect on increasing power system security. Therefore, the most important facing challenge in rescheduling generators' power output, and simultaneously, using FACTS devices is to determine the optimal rate of changes in generators' power output and also determine the best place and appropriate size of FACTS devices in order to preserve static security of power system. In this paper, the simultaneous effect of rescheduling the power output of power plants and optimal allocation of static compensator (STATCOM) is considered as the most effective type of FACTS devices for increasing static security of power system with regard to increasing the intensity of lines overload and the intensity of voltage deviation (VD) above the allowed limit of load buses in case of probable events. The considered contingency is transmission line outage from network. In order to determine the unknown variables including changes of generator's output and also appropriate size and place of static compensator STATCOM, and in order to optimize defined objective function, teaching-learning based algorithms (TLBO) were used. Also, in order to investigate efficiency of this innovative algorithm in presenting high quality solutions, IEEE 30-bus test network was used.
Publication date: 2017-05-02.
H. Haggi, S. Rezaeian-Marjani, M. Aliakbar Golkar, The effect of rescheduling power plants and optimal allocation of STATCOM in order to Improve power system static security using TLBO algorithm, 25th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering - ICEE 2017, Tehran (Iran). 02-04 May 2017.